One of the best features in Jetpack Workflow is the ability to make mass changes quickly. So remember, any changes you make to a template will also impact other projects that are created from the template you're updating, as long as they are in the "Not Started" status. Changes will never roll out to projects that are in the "In Progress" or "Completed" status.
For example, let's say you have a template called "Biweekly Bookkeeping" and you've created repeating projects for 10 clients based on this. If you update one field in the template, that same update will happen to all projects that are in the "Not Started" status.
Not sure which clients could be effected by any changes you enact by editing a template? To the right of the screen, while in a template, you'll see each associated client.
When should these changes go live?
Before editing any aspect of the template, be mindful of the orange boxes that will indicate when these changes go into effect. This is very important if you're changing workflows in the upcoming future, but wouldn't want them to update all projects based on the template right away.
To update all projects by editing a template, simply follow these steps:
Go to the Templates page and click on the template you want to edit (e.g. "Biweekly Bookkeeping")
Make the edits you want.
To edit the name and/or description, click Edit Template at the top of the screen.
To rearrange the tasks, hold down on the two lines on the left side of a task and drag it to it's new place
To edit a specific task (e.g. add a checklist, new assignee, due date, etc), click the task, then the pencil icon at the top of the task window, make the edits, then click Update Task
To delete a task, click the task then click the trash can icon at the top of the task window
To add a new task, click Add Task at the bottom of the screen