A project profile has five sections: Project Details, Labels, Task List, Associated Series, and Comments.
All applied labels will be seen here. For more information on how to create and apply labels, click this help article: Project Labels
Project Details
The Project Details section is going to be on the top left hand of the project profile. Clicking the Edit Project button allows you to edit the project details including its name, description, client, project assignee, team members, and the due date.
Remember, edits made to a repeating project series will affect all entries that have not yet started. For example, if you edit a quarterly tax preparation project by adding a task to collect payment from a client, that change will apply to all upcoming instances of the series. However, projects that are in progress or completed will remain unaffected.
If you need to delete the project, click the three vertical dots next to the Edit Project button, then click Delete.
Task List
The task list is going to be on the lower part of the project profile. This list is designed to represent the steps needed to move a project from not started to complete.
Some actions you can apply to your task list.
Add a new task by clicking the blue Add task button at the bottom of the task list.
Reorganize the order of your tasks by holding down the "=" symbol and dragging it up or down.
To mark a task as complete, click the bubble above the assignee on the right side of the task tile.
Click on a task to see it's description, subtasks, change its status, add a blocked flag, or simply leave a comment.
Edit the task details, including the checklist, description, due date, and assignee, by clicking the pencil icon.
To delete a task, click the trashcan icon.
Associated Series or Template
If the project is a repeating project, the box in the top right corner will show a link to the series homepage where you can make changes to the entire series. You'll also see information such as when the project series started, how often it occurs, and when it ends.
If the project is a one-time occurrence created from a template, the box will show the associated template.
If the project was created from scratch and a template was not used, there will be neither a box with the associated series or template and you'll just see the comments section of the project profile.
The comments section is on the right side of the project profile and can best be thought of as where high-level conversations and notices should go. Remember, this is different from the comments you can leave in a task! The comments left in a task can indicate important notes or hurdles the task faces. The comments left on the project's profile page are more broad and could impact the whole project.
Examples of comments you might want to leave on the project's profile are "client is OOO until end of March for a family emergency - their point of contact has been updated in the client's profile page" or "comment left on task, but there's a hold up until the client can send over the rest of their documents".
Here, you can @ mention team members to send them a notification or make any important notes about this project.